So, now it's all about the Adya Table - a coffee table with concealed magazine shelf in honduras rosewood. This design is all about the wood - it's strength, it's ability and pushing that strength and ability to its limit. It's all about the material. And in one sense, less about the design. Though, that is not strictly true as it is via the design that we get to make all this happen.
First step (and definitely the easiest) was prepping the table top and shelf - board selection, rough cutting both to size, planing and thicknessing. Am I the only one who can see Snoopy in the top...

It gets to a point sometimes when you've looked at a piece of wood for so long that all you can see in it is cartoon animals and weird shapes!
Next up, it was a case of cutting all the pieces to size - the table top is made up of six pieces of rosewood - gluing them together and planing the whole new single piece flat - much easier said than done given rosewood's propensity to tear out at the mere mention of a plane! At least I knew what to expect this time after the whole box debacle and hence had my scraper plane freshly sharpened and permanently within arm's reach.

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