This is how it went.
Monday - set about making the liners. These are about 5mm deep and sit inside the box. It was all fairly straightforward - cut the pieces to size, plane, sand, mitre the ends and fit. Then it was just a case of routing a couple of grooves along each side piece to hold the dividers. Which is when I cocked it up by making the groove too deep, thus rendering the liners useless.
Tuesday - set about making the liners - cut the pieces to size, planed, sanded, mitred the ends and fitted. Only this time they didn't even fit. The mitre guillotine is one of those 'take too little and nothing comes off, take too much and it rips the wood into a nasty curve' jobs leaving said liners fit only for the bin. Finishing any day further behind than when you started it is never a good thing.
Wednesday - third time lucky!
The moral of the story being don't try and rush these things otherwise you just end up making more...

and more...

and more...

until finally.... get it right!
Next step: hinges
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