Then it was onto finishing the underframe for my bench and making a set of wedges.

The two sides are glued together but the stretchers are dry fitted using wedges so that the bench can be easily disassembled and moved if/when necessary. I decided to go for Maple wedges (to match the bench top) spliced with a strip of Purple Heart - a hint of what's to come vice-wise...

And then it was on to the bench top and lugging a number of 2-metre plus long (very heavy) planks of maple about the machine room to get them down to size. I managed a couple before needing a cuppa and a sit down! I'm still digging the splinters out of my hands.
Meanwhile, as it was pouring with rain outside (and I mean really pouring) Stanners decided it would be much more fun to sit outside the workshop and keep lookout than stay in on his own and have a snooze in his basket. Hence, I returned to find one very wet dog!
And amidst all that I've been working on the design for a coffee table - my first commisson post-bench! I can't believe I've been here nearly four months already. It's going way too fast.
More next week.....