Hallelujah-a breakthrough on the drawing front, albeit a minor one. (You should've see what I did at my first session.) And we now have an easel set up in the workshop should anyone either wants a bit of extra practice, or feel the need to capture the moment!
The oak bookends are still a work in progress. I've had the wood planed and cut to size for a few days now but the next step is dovetails, which have to be learned. And are definitely harder than they look. I've spent the last 3 days practicing them but still need a few more goes before attempting the real thing - not least because it took me two days to plane and cut the oak flat so I don't want to cock it up and have to repeat the process !
Much more interesting at this point is the electric guitar that Mark has designed and is now in the process of making. It really started to take shape this week, which was very exciting. Mark's been here a few months longer than me so it's great to see how much further on he is - and really encouraging for a newbie like me who is still struggling with the basics. The guitar is made from zebrano, maple and walnut and is going to be fantastic.
And thanks for the comments on the music situation. We're all a bit bugged by it as it's creating tension in the workshop, which no one wants. The general consensus seems to be that to have one person insisting on silence is pretty selfish when five others prefer otherwise.
'Til next week...
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