I'd never heard of a Carpal Tunnel until this week. But it turns out the pins and needles I've been getting in my right hand are the result of some sort of pinched nerve/inflammation or something in the aforementioned Tunnel. I keep wanting to say carnal instead of Carpal but that would be a whole other story - and most likely not one I'd be sharing here! Basically, it's due to overuse and occurs when you use the hands a lot in a way that it hasn't been used before. The Doc has advised rest and maybe taking a few days off. Rest? Days off? Not an option, I'm afraid. But I am prepared to compromise-ish and take it a bit easier. It's already feeling a bit better after a weekend's rest in a Carpal Tunnel brace! Yes you did hear me right. A Carpal Tunnel brace. And where would one pick up such a specialist bit of kit? Only at Boots! Yep, good old Boots the Chemist. Who knew that so many people are right at this very moment having problems with their Tunnels that Boots sells Carpal Tunnel braces as a stock item? Not me, that's for sure. Handy though (geddit?) !! Said brace comes in that classic natty shade of OAP beige - that 'flesh coloured' colour of no piece of flesh I've ever seen. Why do they do that? It's horrible.
Also picked up an easel and a sketch pad while I was in town too. After a couple of Monday evening art classes, it turns out my drawing skills really are as dire as I'd anticipated. I had hoped to feign surprise at my own artistic ability in the way you do when you say you can't do something but secretly know you can. No surprises here though, more's the pity - except maybe at just how bad I really am. I'm assured it can be learned, however, so I'm now all tooled up (artistically speaking) and planning a daily session in this very 'van. I attempted a wine glass this evening with not completely disastrous consequences. Actually, it was pretty disastrous but made easier by consuming the contents of said glass prior to packing up for the night!
Here's a pic of the beech octagonal breadboard, complete with chamfered edge, that I spent last week working on. It still needs a sand and polish (like the Winding Sticks) but that comes later. Next up, another breadboard to fit exactly within the octagonal shape of the first...