Thursday, 8 October 2009

A place to sit...

With the table now nothing but a distant memory, the last few weeks have been devoted to designing my next project - a reading chair. Definitely more complicated than the table! I arrived at what was to become the side elevation pretty quickly on paper. And then got stuck. And stuck. And stuck. And then I made a model. To say I 'made a model' sounds way more straightforward and successful than the process actually was. In reality it was a long and frustrating journey that had Daren sending me back and forth to redo various bits until I could have screamed.

Part of me was enjoying making the model while another part felt a bit like I was wasting 'making' time. A couple of weeks on I now realise how important the model making phase is - even more so in this case as I was essentially designing the chair in 3-D. With nothing but a side view on paper, the model had to represent the exact dimensions, look and feel of the final piece, only in one third scale.

Job done.

And then suddenly, there it was. Done.

And worth all the hard work. I remember receiving my first book back from the publisher. Sure, it was a rush but nothing compared to completing this table. It has now been delivered safely to one very happy customer.

And onto the next thing....